All SWLA Pediatricians Sign Letter Supporting CPSB Mask Mandate
All the doctors with the Pediatric Center of Southwest Louisiana and several other physicians sent a message to parents opposing masks in SWLA schools. Every pediatrician in the Parish signed a letter addressed to "The Lake Charles Community," backing the Calcasieu Parish School Board mask mandate.
I don't think it can get any clearer than this. All healthcare professionals, including those that specialize in child wellness, say the mask mandate in Calcasieu Parish is absolutely necessary. The COVID-19 surge is hitting our state with a fury, sending hospitalizations and the death toll soaring. The Delta variant is spreading like wildfire across Louisiana. The Louisiana Department of Health reported those getting sick are not only younger, but 94% of all the new cases are people who are not vaccinated. Children are especially vulnerable, because a majority of them are unable to get the vaccine.
This is not rocket science, this is real science, backed by medical facts. Actual human beings getting sick and dying. Mask mandates are common sense, especially if half of the community is not vaccinated. There is substantial proof, clear evidence and scientific fact that masks help to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.