The Best Advice For Louisiana People Needing To Return GiftsThe Best Advice For Louisiana People Needing To Return GiftsReturning gifts after Christmas can be a hassle. Learn from expert Trae Bodge on the best time to swap presents hassle-free and score great deals in the process.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
Tragedy Strikes Killeen Mall Just Four Days Before ChristmasTragedy Strikes Killeen Mall Just Four Days Before ChristmasSaturday night at the Killeen Mall was met with tragedy and fear after a man drove his truck into the mall and had a shootout with the police. Mitch BurrowMitch Burrow
Louisiana: Don't Forget To Track Santa This Christmas With NORADLouisiana: Don't Forget To Track Santa This Christmas With NORADIt's no secret Santa will be coming to town soon, so be prepared to follow jolly ol' St. Nick with the NORAD Santa Tracker website.Mikey OMikey O
8 Reasons Christmas Is Better When You're Older8 Reasons Christmas Is Better When You're OlderA poll found that millennials have fonder Christmas memories they make as adults than children. Mikey OMikey O
Louisiana Ice Skating: Town Makes Over Tennis Courts for Ice TimeLouisiana Ice Skating: Town Makes Over Tennis Courts for Ice TimeFrom tennis courts to an ice rink, a transformation has taken place with one Louisiana city. Bernadette LeeBernadette Lee
Louisiana, Here’s Why Pets Make Poor Choice As Christmas PresentsLouisiana, Here’s Why Pets Make Poor Choice As Christmas PresentsThe Louisiana Humane Society is hoping that this year, you'll resist the desire to give someone a pet for Christmas.Gary McCoyGary McCoy
10 Christmas Movies Filmed In Louisiana10 Christmas Movies Filmed In LouisianaDespite Louisiana not having traditional Christmas weather, as you see in the movies, we have a solid lineup of Christmas movies filmed here.SydneySydney
The Great Candy Cane Debate: Which End Do You Eat First?The Great Candy Cane Debate: Which End Do You Eat First?Which End of the Candy Cane Do YOU Eat First?ChastonChaston
Children Invited To Christmas Toy Giveaway In Lake Charles Children Invited To Christmas Toy Giveaway In Lake Charles On Christmas Eve, Michael Boyer's Small Sliders Christmas Cheer Toy Drive will kick off at 3:00PM from Small Sliders.Mikey OMikey O
Get Ready For Holiday Travel Chaos: What Louisiana Travelers Need to Know This SeasonGet Ready For Holiday Travel Chaos: What Louisiana Travelers Need to Know This SeasonTraveling for the holidays? Brace for challenges like crowded airports and potential disruptions from severe weather.Jamie AngelleJamie Angelle