The Louisiana Humane Society is hoping that this year, you'll resist the desire to give someone a pet for Christmas.

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Speaking with the Louisiana Radio Network, Jeff Dorson, Louisiana Humane Society Director says, “If you’re thinking of giving a live animal to somebody that you care about is that they want it. There’s nothing worse than giving a cat, dog, iguana, or bird to someone who’s not ready for it.”

Is This Person Actually Ready For All The Responsibilities Of Pet Ownership?

Even if the gift is for your child or someone else living in your own home, are you (or they) prepared for all the responsibilities that come with pet ownership?  While it's possible they've expressed interest in having that new puppy or kitten, you must ask yourself whether or not it's a good/practical idea.

Dorson points out a worst-case-scenario, "Nothing worse than getting a puppy and tying it outside to a tree after the holidays and it grows up tied to a tree, and we get those calls."


Things To Consider If You're Still Convinced To Give That Pet For Christmas

For those still convinced to give this pet for Christmas, Dorson's advice is to consider the potential recipient's lifestyle and if this particular pet is a good choice.  Dorson goes on to highlight that an elderly person may prefer a calm, older dog or cat rather than an energetic puppy or kitten and that several factors including breed, age and temperament should all be considered.

Other considerations include the actual living space of the potential recipient as Dorson points out, "You don’t want to give a working dog like a shepherd or a herd animal to someone who lives in a small apartment."

Of course, the easiest way to avoid this possible train wreck, according to Dorson, is to stick to a traditional gift "and let the individual that wants to adopt…adopt."

The 10 Dog Breeds Most Likely to Bite

In Louisiana, Texas and all across the country, these 10 dog breeds have been proven to be most likely to bite.