Explosion At Westlake Chemical Plant
UPDATE: Joe Andrepont, spokesman for the refinery confirmed six workers received injuries however, none are thought to be life-threatening, One plant worker was treated onsite, the other five were transported to nearby hospitals. Plant officials report an empty Ethylene Dichloride tank is the source of the blast and the cause is under investigation.
A spokesman from Westlake Chemical, tells KPLC that all shelters-in-place has been lifted, and there are no harmful vapors in the air. We learned there are at least three workers that have received minor injuries from the blast.
Three injuries, all of which are minor, are also being reported by the spokesman. Sometime around 10:45 a.m. Wednesday morning an explosion occurred at a Westlake Chemical Plant located at 1300 PPG Dr, Westlake, LA. The plant manufactures and supplies products that enhance the daily lives of people from plastic wrap to tubing used in medical care, the chlorine that treats water and pools, and much more.
KPLC has reached out to plant and local officials and they are saying a tank of Ethylene Dichloride is the source of the explosion. We will continue to keep you posted.